Connecting to the Earth for Better Sleep

back view of two people walking barefoot on the beach for natural earthing or grounding

Connecting to the Earth for Better Sleep

In Need of More Natural Energy

We are electromagnetic beings. As such, we need to be grounded like our appliances so we don’t accrue too much negative charge in our bodies.  Think about it: our DNA is hard-wired from thousands of years of human existence. For the better part of that time, we walked in direct contact with the ground and directly connected to the Earth. There’s a reason we have more nerve endings in our feet than any other area of our body. Earthing (or grounding) creates the benefits of walking barefoot on the Earth’s ground due to the positive effects of the Earth’s electrons transferring to the human body. We call this the “barefoot effect”.

The Barefoot Effect

The link between humans and the earth’s magnetic field is beneficial to our health and well-being, however, its either unknown or widely misunderstood. The “Barefoot Effect” or earthing is a phenomenon best described as direct contact with the ground, like when we’re barefoot, that helps us to release positively charged electrons to the negatively charged earth. Generally speaking, people feel a lot more refreshed and healthy when they are outdoors with the grass beneath their feet. Your mom was right, playing outside is good for you! The “Barefoot Effect” is embodied in the Lokosana grounding pad by SAMINA, designed to enhance sleep quality through earthing and stabilize natural magnetic fields. Experience the benefits of grounding even while resting in bed, as if you were standing barefoot on solid ground. Sleep soundly, naturally.

Regain Natural Balance

In this age of an electronic-fueled society full of constant use of phones, laptops, and other electronic devices. We are spending a majority of our time indoors, detached from the earth’s soil. We’ve become so stuck to our electronic devices, we’ve on the verge of becoming hermits. This frequent use of electronic devices and being immersed by electro-magnetic radiation in our modern environments leads to static electricity in our bodies which can also be the culprit of health problems like sleep disorders, headaches, tiredness, and inflammation. Grounding with Lokosana helps restore natural sleep and a balanced electrical state of your body. Generally speaking, people who sleep grounded report falling asleep faster, sleeping deeper and realizing the benefits from an improved quality of sleep.

Lokosana Grounding Pad

The Lokosana grounding pad promotes natural electricity. It acts as crucial piece in the SAMINA healthy sleep system, but can also work with any bed. The pad operates through a current-less connection from an electrical outlet, integrating the grounding component. It can also work indirectly without having to touch you while being layered within the different mattresses and pads of the SAMINA sleep system. Bio magnets inside the pad also helps to restore the balance of the earth’s magnetic field, covering most of the body. Unlike other similar products, Lokosana uses a high amount of silver embedded in an organic cotton fabric which becomes a better conductor of electricity than our own highly conductive bodies. This means that instead of you becoming bombarded with EMF’s, Lokosana does letting you sleep more soundly without this unnecessary interference. It is highly effective. In fact, it has been approved for use as a medical device in Europe. Due to the high content of silver, it is also pricier than other alternative products.

sleep well

Earthing Leads to Better Sleep

Overall, health and healing through earthing is the effect that Lokosana sets to achieve. The Samina sleeping system is full of multiple components that all combine to support natural and healthy sleep for every individual. Learn more about sleeping grounded or call us at toll-free 1-877-494-1091 to discover the benefits of the Samina sleep system keeping in mind that no other sleep system or bed has a earthing solution and “The Barefoot Effect” to help you realize the total benefits from healthy sleep.

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